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The advantages of the TriOx process

All three ferric types can be produced with the TriOx process. These are ferric chloride, ferric sulfate and the balanced „hybrid type“ ferric chlorosulfate. Depending on availability, different raw materials can be used.

The use of oxygen instead of chlorine gas allows a safe and therefore location-independent production with economically acceptable conditions from the authorities.

Thanks to the TriOx process, oxygen is used for oxidation instead of expensive and dangerous chlorine. Oxygen is available everywhere. This enables production close to the end customer. Expensive and dangerous chlorine transports are not necessary.

The combined plant can be operated with all known raw materials and produce all three ferric coagulants.

These are the ones:

  • ferric chloride
  • ferric chlorosulfate
  • ferric sulfate

The system can be modularly adapted to the following factors:

  • Nameplate capacity
  • Availability of raw materials
  • Production processes
  • Country-specific conditions
  • Market needs
  • Demand

The combination of modern composite materials, self-developed conveyor systems and a high level of automation enables environmentally friendly and sustainable production.

Felix Aregger und Daniel Leuenberger

Felix Aregger
Daniel Leuenberger
Phone +41 62 388 60 10

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